Sorbische Veranstaltungen:
The Sorbian museum is sponsored by the foundation for the Sorbian people (Stiftung für das sorbische Volk), which annually grant benefits because of tax money based on the financial household decided by deputies of the parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany, the state parliament of Brandenburg (Landtag Brandenburg) and the state parliament of Saxony (Landtag Sachsen). The museum is also supported by the administrative district Bautzen (Landkreis Bautzen) and the cultural area Upper Lusatia-Lower Silesia (Kulturraum Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien). The Sorbian museum is an institution of the administrative district Bautzen.
5,00 € inkl. MwSt.
Modern Out of Tradition. Insights into the Cultures of the Romani /Gypsies
Who are the people often referred to as “gypsies”? Who are the Romani and Sinti, the gypsies and travellers, the Gitanos, the vagabonds and all the others given so many different names in the official statistics? According to various estimates, Germany is home to around 70,000 to 120,000 Romani and Sinti, while eight to twelve million are believed to live in Europe on the whole. Nobody can really say how many Romani and Sinti there are outside of Europe. Despite ongoing discrimination, some Romani and Sinti populations are now recognised national minority groups in several countries. Nowadays, most Romani/gypsies are based in Europe – but are nevertheless still very mobile. Who is included in their population and who is not? And where can they be found in our modern globalised world? In the present day in particular, when modern working life demands mobility, flexibility and multilingualism, it may well be the case that we have more in common with these people than we believe.
Additional information
Upper Sorbian, German, summary in English and Romani
1st edition 2009, 64 pages, colour illustrations
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