June till August: changed opening hours at weekends:
During these years season of the summer theatre some changes occur in the schedule of the weekend-opening hours.
Please note the following changed opening hours:
July the 25th 2015 – open till 2 p.m.
August the 1st 2015- open till half past three (p.m.)
August the 2nd 2015 – open till 2 p.m.

Workshop – „Stencil printing on fabrics“ shows nice results.
Although the number of participants might still increase till next time, the results of this handicraft workshop are quite impressive.
And I learned something too : the yellow textil-spray, at least the one I used, does not work on a black t-shirt! It disappears after some nimutes.
There are more pictures of Mrs. Pallmanns work to be found in the – Education an communication section.