

Spěchowanske towarstwo Serbskeho muzeja (Budyšin) z.t. – Förderverein des Sorbischen Museum (Bautzen) e. V. 

Activities of the association:
The association Förderverein des Sorbischen Museums e.V. fights for the recognition and presence  of cultural diversity in Europe. 

In relation to the museum, this includes above all securing the conditions to preserve and expand the collections of the Sorbian museum.

– Promoting presentations of the Sorbian museum in Germany and abroad.
– Promoting its image in public.  

– Promoting contacts from scientific and cultural institutions at home and abroad.
– Expert advice 

Acquisition of sponsors and supporters at home and abroad – for example:
– to purchase objects of art and cultural as well as estates,
– to fund special exhibitions and catalogues and
– for restoration. . 

Annual Fee 
The annual fee is 20 €, reduced 10 €.

Board of directors:

Chairman of the Förderverein:
Dr. Annett Bresan, Sorbisches Institut

2. Chairman
Dr. Ines Keller, Sorbisches Institut

Tomasz Nawka, Bautzen

Other board members:
Clemens Bresan, Bäckerei Bresan, Königswartha
Hellena Pallman, Bautzen



Förderverein Sorbisches Museum e.V.

IBAN: DE04 8555 0000 1000 0332 91

Account number: 1000033291
BLZ 85550000
KSK Bautzen
Kreissparkasse Bautzen

The Förderverein des Sorbischen Museums is a registered friendly society and can issue donation receipts

Bookable travelling exhibitions

„Bevor du gehst“ (before you go)

„Bevor du gehst“ (before you go)

Photos by Matthias Bulang

An extensive collection of photos of the last Sorbian costume makers in Bautzen by the photographer Matthias Bulang (created 1985-2011) was the starting point of an exhibition and book project entitled “Bevor du gehst”. This project was run in collaboration with two other Sorbian artists – the writer Róža Domašcyna and the composer Měrćin Weclich. 

Classic black-and-white photos that Matthias Bulang has taken with a conventional plate camera are exhibited. He places the women portrayed into a distinctive environment and provides them with vocational and work-specific elements. The women in these photos remain nameless and stand for all women of their generation. Most of women are no longer alive.  The almost life-size portraits convey the illusion that the women are still among us and looking straight at us.

In this short moment, you forget about the question: What will we have lost, when none of these women are among us anymore?

These photos by Matthias Bulang are a tribute to all the plain Sorbian women who heroically mastered everyday life. Despite the loads imposed on their generation and the hostility they had to face because of their Sorbian dress and native language, they kept their courage, faith and love to their people. 

This is a multimedia exhibition. With headphones the visitor can listen to texts of the Sorbian poet Róža Domašcyna. The poet reflects on the life of her mother, who also wore the Sorbian costume. Domašcyna approaches the questions about the meaning of life and wants to know what drew this generation of women together.  

The Sorbian composer Měrćin Weclich was inspired by these photographs. His compositions that have been specially created for these pictures frame the spoken word and make an emotional connection to the photographs of the exhibition.  

48 banners with art photographs and quotations in Upper Sorbian and German
Dimensions: each 800 x 2500 mm
1 title banner, dimensions 1300 x 2500 mm


"Serbska hola. Slědy w pěsku – In the heath region. Sorbian traditions on a razor's edge?"

The exhibition explores the Sorbian roots of the Lusatian heath region between Senftenberg, Hoyerswerda, Spremberg, Weißwasser and Bad Muskau. Furthermore, the identity and changing values ​​of the people living there – including the influence of industrialization – is examined. 

The unique costumes and traditions of the Sorbs in the heath region have survived to this day – however, this traditional and several centuries old system is on a razor’s edge due to brown coal mining, the destruction of Sorbian towns and the influx of thousands of immigrants into the area. 

“Sorbisches auf der Kippe – Sorbian traditions on a razor’s edge” – the title of this exhibition consciously plays with certain associations. Because not only Sorbian villages but also the Sorbian language and identity in this region are on a razor’s edge. And, a lot of memories are carelessly thrown away. But exactly because of this loss, the interest in the preservation of the heritage of the ancestors is growing. 

10 roll-ups in Upper Sorbian and German with numerous photographs 
Dimensions: each 2000 mm x 1000 mm


Here you will find a selection of institutions that work closely with the Sorbian Museum:

Domowina Zwjazk Łužiskich Serbow
Domowina Bund Lausitzer Sorben

Rěčny centrum WITAJ
WITAJ – Sprachzentrum

Serbski Institut
Sorbisches Institut

Ludowe nakładnistwo Domowina
Domowina-Verlag Bautzen

Sächsische Landesstelle für Museumswesen

Załožba za serbski lud
Stiftung für das sorbische Volk

Němsko-Serbske ludowe dźiwadło
Deutsch-Sorbisches Volkstheater Bautzen

Serbski gymnazij Budyšin
Sorbisches Gymnasium Bautzen

 Serbski muzej (Chóśebuz) – Wendisches Museum Cottbus 



The Sorbian Museum is a member of the following associations and organizations:

Maćica Serbska e.V.

Deutscher Tourismusverband

Sächsischer Museumsbund

Marketing-Gesellschaft Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien mbH

International Council of Museum – ICOM

Zwjazk za serbski kulturny turizm z.t
Sorbischer Kulturtourismus e.V.

Partner museums

Here you will find a selection of museums, with which the Sorbian Museum has organized various projects:

Serbski muzej Chóśebuz  – Wendisches Museum Cottbus

12.5.-22.9.2013 „Canki, somot, parlički. Pycha narodneje drasty Serbow.—Spitze, Samt und Seide. Kostbarkeiten sorbischer Trachten“ 

Okresní muzeum Mlada Boleslav / Muzeum Mladoboleslavska

2.3.-13.4.2008: „Jutry – Velikanoc – Ostern. Jutrowne a nalětne nałožki w Serbach a Čechach.— Oster- und Frühlingsbräuche bei den Sorben und Tschechen.“

Anhaltinische Gemäldegalerie Dessau

26.11.2005-22.1.2006: Im Reich der schönen, wilden Natur… Der Landschaftszeichner Heinrich Theodor Wehle.“

Vlastivědné muzeum a galerie,  Česká Lípa

1992. „Jutry w Serbach. Ostern bei den Sorben“

12.1.-27.02.1994: „Lužičci Srbové. Die Lausitzer Sorben und ihre Beziehungen zur Region Mlada Boleslav.“ Kooperation mit Okresní museum Mlada Boleslav.

15.5.-20.06.2013: „Dřive něž odejdež. Bevor du gehst –Prjedy hač woteńdźeš. Fotografien von Matthias Bulang.“

Staatliche Kunstsammlung Dresden,
Museum für Sächsische Volkskunst mit Puppentheatersammlung

Národní muzeum (Praha), Národopisné muzeum – Musaion

4.5.-7.9.1997: „Česke zaškleńčne molerstwo za Narodneho muzeja w Praze. — Böhmische Hinterglasmalerei aus dem Nationalmuseum in Prag.“

Museum der Westlausitz Kamenz & Sächsisches Industriemuseum | Energiefabrik Knappenrode

Museum Bautzen

4.9.-13.11.2005: „W raju rjaneje, njeskludźeneje přirody. Rysowar krajinow Hendrich Božidar Wjela 1778-1805. — Im Reich der schönen, wilden Natur. Der Landschaftszeichner Heinrich Theodor Wehle.“

28.4.-28.10.2007: “Jan Buck. Stillleben – Komposition – Landschaft. Malerei und Zeichnung.— Jan Buk. Ćišno – Kompozicija – Krajina. Mólby a rysowanki.“

Städtisches Museum Eisenhüttenstadt

„Plakat! Doba NDR w plakatowej zběrce Serbskeho muzeja. — Die Zeit der DDR in der Plakatsammlung des Sorbischen Museums.“ 

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