Public Appeal!

For the first time the Sorbian museum dedicates an exhibition to photographic history and the question, when did sorbian/wendish motives appear as an image worth showing. It will be shown from Sunday, October the 9th till Wednesday, March the 3rd. For that numerous original photographic pictures in archives and museums throughout Lusatia have been sighted.

Do you possess interesting historical photographies (with sorbian/wendish content) of the time from 1850 till 1930? If so, we would be most grateful if you could lend them to us for the duration of the exhibition! Two walls are exclusively reserved for this purpose. That way, you could participate in the exhibition. History consists of live and transient moments; which is expressed by no medium as clear as photography.

In case you consider to follow this appeal: We kindly ask that first you send your chosen pictures to us in a digital form. We will contact you back in any case. Please do not send us any material unsolicited via postal service.

We thank you for your time and efforts in advance!

Most kind regards

Serbski muzej – Sorbisches Museum, Bautzen