Exhibition “In the heath. Sorbian hangs in the balance” in Lüchow

10.08.2018 –  14.10.2018

The exhibition examines the Sorbian roots in the Lusatian heath region between Senftenberg, Hoyerswerda, Spremberg, Weißwasser, Bad Muskau and Niesky. It deals also with the identity and value change as a result of the industrialisation and with the assimilation of the sorbian people. The unique costumes and customs of the Sorbians in the heath have survived untill today. But with the mining of lignite, the destruction of Sorbian places and the influx of thousands of strangers into the area, the system of tradition that had been built up over several centuries began to waver. Not only villages were hanging in the balance as a result of brown coal mining, but also the Sorbian language and identity of this region. But even with the loss grows the interest in preserving the heritage of the ancestors.

Lüchow is meanwhile the 18th exhibition venue after the exhibition opening in 2012 in the Sorbian Museum. The history and fate of the Sorbs of Lusatia was presented mainly in Saxony and Brandenburg, but also in Denmark. More than 50,000 people have visited the exhibition from 2013 to 2018.

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Exhibition “In the heath. Sorbian hangs in the balance” in Lüchow