European heritages days/ Tag des offenen Denkmals – Testimony of history

European heritages days/ Tag des offenen Denkmals – Testimony of history


The Sorbian Museum participates in this years „Open-monument day“ throughout Germany Sunday, september the 11nth 2016. On this day visiting the museum is free.

We take pride in presenting the results of the youth project „Zeugen der Geschichte“ [Testimonies of history] – djo Deutsche Jugend in Europa. Over several months a group of students and soon-to-be graduates from Bautzen researched the history and the architectural features of our museums building, conducted by Michael Jemeljanow. The results of this effort will be presented as a small exhibition on that day. It consists of:

  1. a 3D-film about the history oft he Sorbian Museum and ist current building as well as the history oft he sorbian culture.
  2. a 3D-film about the project initiative
  3. a VR-presentation for a 360° view at the museum building from outside
  4. a BIM (Building Information Modelling) presentation with VR-glasses for a virtual visit oft he museums inside
  5. information boards about sorbian history and culture, since the exhibition will be shown on different locations.
  6. a paper – model oft he Sorbian museum


Participants of the project will be present to explain and assist at the different stations.